Excel: Dynamic Summing To-Date

Here is our example spreadsheet:


The SUM formula in cell B15 is shown. It uses MONTH(NOW()), but could just as easily use a Named Formula:


Here’s the formula in Name Manager:


How it works

  1. OFFSET’s 4th parameter is Height.
  2. Pass it current month against named range “Totals2009”, i.e. cells B3:B14 (or Named Formula ThisMonth)
  3. Here, it sums 10 rows against MONTH(NOW()), (October)

This MTD example, on 26th of any month, compares September & October:


Conditional formatting to highlight rows is based on the formula:



Where $H$24 uses COUNTIF in place of OFFSET:


OctDates is a range of all the days in October colums , formatted to show “d” (day) only, starting at row H3. September range is treated similarly, but green background cells are Saturdays and Sundays. These are

(conditionally formatted against WEEKDAY):


That’s it! No more fiddling with ranges every week/month/year!

Bio: This article was written by Jasper Cook, Excel guru and trombonist of note. Call or email us if KRS can assist you with your Excel: enquiries@krs.co.dev


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